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加速開拓美洲市場!中控技術亮相2024墨西哥Expo Eléctrica 展會

近日來,中控枝術工藝第一次 面世2024葡萄牙Expo Eléctrica上海國際展覽,Expo Eléctrica上海國際展覽是葡萄牙省市電力工程機電及照射系統制造行業領域最大要的制造行業領域上海國際展覽之五。每一次上海國際展覽含有 “新能源運用學習效率”“工業制造自行化、大數字式化轉型升級”“公眾環境照射系統”等基本點內容主題展館,吸引女生近四數十萬行業內者觀光,中控枝術工藝一大批大數字式化、智力化貨品及避免規劃實現了出席會議人群的大范圍關注新聞,為上升中控枝術工藝在葡萄牙乃至于中美洲省市的有名的度,深入推進市場中可以有效開拓市場,瀏覽器打開了好的流行。

Recently, SUPCON made its debut at the 2024 Mexico Expo Eléctrica, one of the most important industry exhibitions in the power, electrical, and lighting industry in Mexico. This exhibition includes core theme areas such as "Energy Efficiency", "Industrial Automation, Digital Transformation", and "Public Place Lighting", attracting nearly 40,000 industry professionals to visit. A batch of digital and intelligent products and solutions from SUPCON received widespread attention from attendees, marking a promising start for enhancing the popularity of SUPCON in Mexico and even the Americas, promoting effective market development.


Continuously Integrating into the Chinese Capital Ecosystem

中控枝術應用展廳設計留住沒事多地中資行業前往交換。中人結合過程有現我司國外過程我司、金三立、廣州實驗室設計公司-睿成建筑搭建集團公司簡介、新華三、中人銀行行業、隆基綠能等中人行業歷余載來也多方面設計葡萄牙市面,中控枝術應用能夠 帶入當地城市中資生態保護,進一步提高相關信息互動座談會、能源一起,以創使用戶的身份,參與者構建云南省進行經營權過程商(號商)-葡萄牙聯合會,與大多中資出航行業讀書交換,為事后標準葡萄牙甚至是中美洲市面打牢了基本知識。

SUPCON’s exhibition booth attracted a large number of Chinese enterprises to exchange ideas. In recent years, Chinese companies such as China United Engineering Co., Ltd. Overseas Engineering Company, Dahua, Zhongnan Construction Group, H3C, Bank of China, and LONGi Green Energy have also actively expanded their presence in the Mexico market. By integrating into the local Chinese ecosystem, SUPCON has strengthened information communication and resource sharing. As a founding member, it has participated in the establishment of the Zhejiang Foreign Contracting Engineering Chamber of Commerce - Mexico Branch, learning and exchanging ideas with more Chinese overseas enterprises, laying a foundation for future expansion into the Mexico ;and even Americas markets.


Actively Expanding Local Customer Resources


Mexico's industrial facilities are relatively outdated, but in recent years, the economic development momentum has been strong, and the market potential for industrial automation and intelligence is enormous. SUPCON Mexico team actively expands channels, strengthens cooperation and communication with agents, suppliers, and potential customers, and deeply explores various business opportunities. At this exhibition, SUPCON's technical team provided comprehensive introductions to the leading "1+2+N" Smart Plant Architecture,  "4 Data Platform + 1 AI Engine" product technology system, and the "5S Store+S2B Platform" One-stop Industrial Service Model, with professional knowledge sharing and excellent explanations, leaving a profound impression on the participants.

每次中控水平在葡萄牙的首輪獻唱,還獲得中墨中國俄羅斯人民政府層面上領導班子、行業領域針灸學會的積極免費指導和支技。今后,葡萄牙終會變成 企業國家化亞洲地區戰略的重點陣營,為中控水平亞洲地區化經濟發展成就專業技能力度。

The debut of SUPCON in Mexico received strong guidance and support from the government leaders and industry associations of China and Mexico. In the future, Mexico will undoubtedly become an important pivotal hub for SUPCON's internationalization strategy, contributing exceptional strength to the global development of SUPCON.










