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On June 13th, the delegation of the China-Portugal Third-party Market Cooperation Seminar visited SUPCON. Dr. Yang Le, the President Assistant of SUPCON, Sun Donglin, the Deputy General Manager of the EU Region Turkey Office, and Yang Kang, the Overseas Sales Manager of the EU Region, attended the reception.

中葡第二方專業餐飲市場的相互合作的研訓班班由商務旅行部主辦人,傷害商職業學院承辦單位。研訓班班的進行契機讓巨峰紅提牙有關領域的政府部門高級官員深入到了解中華內地第二方專業餐飲市場的發展的情況,學習的有關監管的經驗,討論咋樣進第一步增強中華內地與巨峰紅提牙在第二方專業餐飲市場的因素的相互合作的。The China-Portugal Third-party Market Cooperation Seminar was hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by Shanghai Business School. The purpose of the seminar was to enable Portuguese government officials to gain a deep understanding of the development of China's third-party market, learn relevant management experience, and explore how to further strengthen cooperation between China and Portugal in relevant aspects.

學習進修班團員一行人第一步進入游覽了中控信息新科技享受心中,周全掌握了中控新科技的發展發展史和戰術布局圖,并對中控新科技的的產品、安全服務、改善方案格式等特征出濃郁學習興趣和高寬比青睞。能夠 這一次進入游覽,它們提高認識心得上了中控新科技在程序工藝自主化和工藝AI范圍的雄厚文化底蘊和新科技名氣。

The participants of the seminar began by visiting the SUPCON Technology Experience Center, where they gained a comprehensive understanding of SUPCON’s development history and strategic layout. They demonstrated a strong interest and high recognition of SUPCON's products, services, and solutions. Throughout this visit, they were able to experience SUPCON's profound accumulation and technical strength regarding process automation and industrial AI.


During the symposium, Dr. Yang Le delivered a welcoming speech in which he expressed great expectations for members of the seminar to gain a deeper understanding of SUPCON's business philosophy and product capabilities through this exchange. Simultaneously, he also hoped to promote cooperation and development between China and Portugal in the fields of industrial automation and industrial AI.孫東林向研訓班全方位介召了中控高的技術水平應用的綜合癥狀,他祥細闡明了新公司的新產品高的技術水平應用、PLANTMATE站臺式保障工作平臺和“1+2+N”智能化工業化區新系統架構,或者在工業化AI業務領域的革新成績。于此,他還分享圖片中控高的技術水平應用亞洲地區分布不均癥狀,并介召了中控高的技術水平應用與很多時代國際高端大氣買家的密切協作相互合作內在聯系。

Sun Donglin gave a comprehensive introduction to the overall situation of SUPCON to the seminar. He elaborated on SUPCON's product technology, the PLANTMATE One-stop Service Platform, the "1+2+N" Smart Plant Architecture, and the innovative achievements in the industrial AI field. In addition, he shared SUPCON's global distribution, introducing the close cooperation between SUPCON and numerous international high-end customers.


The members of the seminar also highly appreciate SUPCON's advanced concepts in the field of artificial intelligence and related business, and they are very optimistic about the overseas market expansion potential of SUPCON. In addition, both parties have engaged in in-depth discussions and exchanges on corporate social responsibility, energy conservation and carbon reduction, exploration in the European market.


The successful holding of this exchange activity has deepened the Portuguese government officials' understanding of Chinese technology-based enterprises represented by SUPCON in terms of business philosophy and overseas strategy. It laid a solid foundation for SUPCON to explore the markets in Portugal and Portuguese-speaking countries and carry out cross-border cooperation in the future. SUPCON will uphold the concept of openness, cooperation, and win-win outcomes, work hand-in-hand with global partners, and jointly promote the innovation and development of industrial automation and industrial AI in the global market.










